Accounting, tax and employment advice

Our diagnoses and reports require adequate accounting and taxation. If you are not satisfied with your current advice, contact our partner MM Actio Assessors

ACCOUNTING List of services:

  • Preparation of accounting

  • Review and supervision of accounting

  • Advice on accounting closing

  • Updating accounting and reconstruction of financial information.

  • Presentation of accounting books and Annual Accounts (CCAA)

Two business partnership coworkers analysis strategy with discussing a financial planning graph and company budget during a budget meeting in office room.

FISCAL List of services:

  • Tax consulting for all taxes, especially VAT, IS, IRPF 

  • Tax planning: global vision of partners and company

  • Tax filing or review

  • Control of Treasury notifications (DEH), so that they are not a concern for your company and we ourselves are the ones who do the control


LABOR List of services:

  • Payroll and social insurance management (RNT and RNC) 

  • Advice and planning on labor matters 

  • Advice on implementation of payments for variables and incentives 

  • Representation in labor inspections

  • Company-worker legal litigation

  • Occupation Regulation Files (ERO)
